Vincent Z 应用

Tasker Utils 1.01
Vincent Z
Supports actions that are not available inother popular Tasker plugins, including:1. Get SMS message ID by address and body. The ID can be usedlater by action #2 and #3 below.2. Delete a message by ID. It requires App Ops in 4.4+3. Mark a message as read by ID. It requires App Ops in 4.4+4. Get the importance of a running process. It can be used forforeground/background check5. Wipe data. It'll perform a factory reset, can be used inanti-theft tasks.6. HTTP Get. It's a replacement for Tasker's own HTTP Get action tounblock execution of other tasks.7. Watch always-on screen. Toggles the always-on screen setting inconnected Android Wear watch.Permissions:READ_SMS: Get SMS message IDWRITE_SMS: Delete SMS & Mark a SMS as readINTERNET: HTTP GetNote: This is not a standalone app, it requires Tasker and isvisible only in Tasker.